
Category: Nature

  • Dilijan’s Unique Yew Grove


    Dilijan’s Unique Yew Grove

    Nestled within the picturesque Dilijan National Park is a remarkable discovery – a grove of endangered yew trees. These ancient sentinels, some soaring to heights of 25 meters, have silently witnessed the passage of over four centuries. As you embark on your journey into this natural wonder, you’ll find yourself transported to a timeless sanctuary.…

  • Discover Lake Sevan: A Jewel of Natural Beauty and Serenity


    Discover Lake Sevan: A Jewel of Natural Beauty and Serenity

    Lake Sevan, nestled amidst the Geghama mountain range at an altitude of 1900 m (6,234 ft), is the largest freshwater lake in Armenia. It serves as the source of the Hrazdan river and is renowned for its stunning beaches, particularly during the hot summer months. While the water may initially feel cold due to its…

  • Dilijan: A Hidden Gem of Armenia’s Architectural and Natural Heritage


    Dilijan: A Hidden Gem of Armenia’s Architectural and Natural Heritage

    Дилижан, a charming resort town nestled 100km northeast of Yerevan, is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. The journey from Yerevan is an adventure in itself, as you pass through a 2.25 km (1.4 mi) long tunnel carved into the heart of a mountain. Emerging from the tunnel, you’re greeted by a breathtaking panorama…